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What is Online PreKindergarten?

Research shows that children who participate in high-quality PreK programs develop important life skills—and even perform better in school. That’s why we developed our Kindergarten Readiness course, which provides four-year-old students with the foundational skills needed to prepare them for Kindergarten.

Course Content Focuses on Eight Subject Areas Including:

Physical Development

Approaches to Learning

Social & Emotional Engagement

Language & Literacy

Mathematical Thinking

Scientific Inquiry

Social Studies

Creative Expression Through the Arts

Commitments, Activities, and Resources


Time Per Day

30 minutes of screen time 

90 minutes of off-screen play-based activities



Play-Based Center Time

Five different types of activities: Pretend; Read & Talk; Build; Move Big; and Move Small



Support Materials Provided

Learning Coach Tips; Printable Materials; Module Support Guides; Off-Screen Center Learning Activities; Standards Checklist



Parent Responsibility

Your child will have support from their certified teacher throughout the Kindergarten Readiness course. However, to ensure your four-year-old student is successful, a parent or learning coach is required to provide guidance as well. 


  • Monitor Student Daily
  • Maintain Weekly Progress
  • Ensure Content Comprehension

Ready To Start?

Think FlexPoint Virtual School sounds like a good fit for your child?

Enroll in PreK
