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High School World History for Credit Recovery

Suggested Prerequisites

World History


This course provides a broad survey of significant world events from 500 CE to the present. The first part of the course focuses on the Middle Ages (500-1500), covering the Roman Empire’s impact, monotheistic religions, and key events like the Age of Discovery. The second part of the course explores the Age of Enlightenment, industrialization, world wars, and modern developments, emphasizing historical implications for today.Please note that this is a Credit Recovery course. Credit Recovery courses are not NCAA approved and should not be used by student athletes attempting to recover credits.

Module One: Medieval Eastern Europe, North Africa, and Middle East

-growth and development of the Roman Empire and Byzantine Empires.

-Development of Monotheistic Religions

-expansion of Islam and key achievements

-decline of the Byzantine Empire

Module Two: Medieval Western Europe and East Asia

-the people, culture, economy, and institutions of medieval Western Europe.

-important figures associated with the Crusades, and the consequences of the Crusades.

-Medieval arts and literature

-development of a national identity in England, France, and Spain.

-similarities and differences between feudal Japan and feudal Europe.

Module Three: Medieval Sub-Saharan Africa and the Americas

-West African Kingdoms

-Sub-Saharan African migrations and the major medieval civilizations

-early Mesoamerican civilization

-Central and South American legacies and contributions

Module Four: Age of Rebirth, Reformation, and Discovery

-the catastrophes of the 14th century and the resulting changes to European culture

-Italian city-states

-Renaissance humanities and fine arts

-Protestant and Catholic Reformations

-factors that led to the Age of Exploration and major voyages and sponsors

-the impact of the European conquest and settlement of the Americas

-slavery throughout the world

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