High School United States Government for Credit Recovery
Pricing Tier
3 - Credit Recovery
Number of Credits
Estimated Completion Time
6-8 weeks
Suggested Prerequisites
United States GovernmentDescription
Responsible citizenship is essential for a government that truly represents its people. In this course, students explore the principles behind the U.S. Constitution and other founding documents. They study how these principles shape the federal government and distinguish it from other nations. Students also examine government structures, functions, and interactions between different levels. Additionally, they learn about individual rights, protections, and the role citizens play in shaping public policy.Please note that this is a Credit Recovery course. Credit Recovery courses are not NCAA approved and should not be used by student athletes attempting to recover credits.Module One: We the People
-purposes of government
-principles of US government
-founding documents
-comparing forms and systems of government
-US foreign policy
Module Two: Constitutional Government
-structure and function of each branch, legislative, executive, and judicial, of US government
-judicial decision-making
-modern debates in and applications of federalism
Module Three: Civic Participation
-citizenship and naturalization
-duties and responsibilities of citizenship
-civil rights and liberties
-public policy analysis
-individual and group influences on public policy
-voting and elections
NCAA-Approved Courses
Our NCAA approved courses are updated often. Please visit the NCAA Eligibility Center and use our school code to see all current eligible courses. The FlexPoint Virtual School NCAA High School code is: 850171
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