Middle School Middle School Comprehensive Science II
Pricing Tier
1 - Premium
Number of Credits
Estimated Completion Time
32-36 weeks
Suggested Prerequisites
Matter and energy are all around us! Explore a variety of core concepts found in life, earth, and physical science in this comprehensive curriculum. You will learn about the movement of energy and how it affects matter. Through real-world examples you will investigate the interdependence of living things and the unique interactions inside the Earth. Virtual simulations allow you to study genetics and how genetic information is passed on to create new life. This course is designed to introduce various major science concepts and serve as a foundation for later science courses.Module One: Matter and Energy
-Balance Within Ecosystems
-Food Chains and Food Webs
-Energy Forms and Energy Transfer
-Conservation of Energy
-Scientific Models
-Advanced Thermal Energy
Module Two: Interdependence of Life
-Biological Interactions
-Limiting Factors
-Theories and Laws
-Evolution and Natural Selection
-Advanced Inherited Variation, Competition, and Differential Reproductive Success
Module Three: The Earth
-Geologic Age
-Relative Dating and Radioactive Dating
-Layers of the Earth
-Plate Tectonics
-Advanced Tectonic Plate Interactions
NCAA-Approved Courses
Our NCAA approved courses are updated often. Please visit the NCAA Eligibility Center and use our school code to see all current eligible courses. The FlexPoint Virtual School NCAA High School code is: 850171
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