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High School Latin II

Suggested Prerequisites

Latin 1


Immerse yourself in a journey through Roman history with the Latin language as your guidepost! In this course, you'll expand your grammar and vocabulary skills and step back in time into Rome's intriguing past. You will explore classical cultures and apply what you learn through translation practice as well as writing, listening, and conversation exercises. Your journey will open the door to reading authentic Latin works –the words of the ancient Romans themselves. So, get ready to set sail through the different eras of Rome—from Foundation to Fall!

Module One: Roman Foundations

-1st, 2nd and 3rd Declension nouns and adjectives

-1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Conjugation verbs

-Passive voice, present tense system

-Ablative of agent

-Passive voice, perfect tense system

-Roman origin stories

-Roman monarchy

Module Two: To the Republic

-Intensive pronouns/adjectives idem, eadem, idem

-Demonstrative pronouns hic, haec, hoc

-Demonstrative pronouns ille, illa, illud

-Relative pronouns qui, quae, quod

-Reflexive pronouns

-Possessive, reflexive adjectives

-Roman Republic

-Roman education

Module Three: To the Republic

-4th and 5th Declension nouns

-Interrogative pronouns quis, quid

-Interrogative adjectives qui, quae, quod

-Question words

-Intensive pronouns ipse, ipsa, ipsum

-Demonstrative pronouns iste, ista, istud

-Roman families

-City versus country life in Rome

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