High School Integrated Mathematics I
Pricing Tier
1 - Premium
Number of Credits
Estimated Completion Time
32-36 weeks
Suggested Prerequisites
Explore the exciting world of mathematics through real-life applications and problem-solving strategies. You'll dive into a blend of algebra, geometry, and statistics, discovering how these concepts connect to everyday situations. With a focus on critical thinking and practical skills, this course will empower you to tackle mathematical challenges with confidence and creativity. Get ready to build a strong foundation in math and see the subject in a whole new light!Module One: Algebra Foundations
-Simplify expressions using the order of operations
-Interpret algebraic expressions in context
-Choose and interpret units and scales
-Define quantities and choose accuracy levels
-Translate verbal phrases into algebraic expressions
-Apply algebraic properties to real-world equations
Module Two: Equations and Inequalities
-Create and solve linear equations in one variable
-Create and interpret two-variable equations with constraints
-Represent and interpret constraints using absolute value equations
-Create, solve, and interpret linear inequalities
-Create, solve, and interpret compound inequalities
-Solve and rearrange linear equations and inequalities
Module Three: Linear Functions
-Identify functions, the domain, and range
-Use and interpret function notation in context
-Determine slope, intercepts, and graph linear functions
-Use math tools to model and graph functions
-Write equations and convert between forms
-Write equations and graph horizontal and vertical lines
Module Four: Exponential Functions
-Understand and rewrite expressions with rational exponents
-Simplify operations with radicals and compare results
-Model relationships with exponential functions
-Create graphs from expressions and compare features
-Identify sequences, compare formulas, and connect to functions
-Derive parameters and compare function behavior
Module Five: Systems of Equations
-Solving systems of equations by graphing
-Solving systems of equations algebraically
-Solving systems of equations by approximating
-Write, graph, and solve two-variable linear inequalities
-Graph and solve systems of linear inequalities
NCAA-Approved Courses
Our NCAA approved courses are updated often. Please visit the NCAA Eligibility Center and use our school code to see all current eligible courses. The FlexPoint Virtual School NCAA High School code is: 850171
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