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High School French I

Suggested Prerequisites



Immerse yourself in the beauty of the French language and the richness of its diverse cultures. You will learn beginning grammar and vocabulary skills to help build basic fluency and language proficiency.  You will be able to engage in short conversations in French and explore the cultures of France and francophone Europe by learning about geography, foods, celebrations, and traditions from each place. Bon Voyage! Enjoy the trip!

Module One: Ma vie!

-Greetings and introductions

-French alphabet

-French sounds and accents

-Subject pronouns


-Major cities, their regions in France and overseas territories

-Cognates, false cognates and borrowed words

-Age and contact information

-Numbers 0-20

-Famous French people


Module Two: Mon école!

-School schedules and supplies

-French school system

-Extra-curricular activities in France

-Verb avoir and avoir expressions

-Definite articles le, la, l'

-Noun-adjective agreements

-Indefinite articles un/une

-Numbers 30-60

-Date and time



Module Three: Mes préférences!

-Food and drinks

-Cafeterias in different French-speaking countries

-Traditional food in Belgium

-French snacking habits and café foods

-Verbs ending in –ir and -er

-Plural subject pronouns

-Negative form

-Definite articles in the plural

-Table etiquette in France

-Idiomatic expressions with avoir

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