High School English I for Credit Recovery
Pricing Tier
3 - Credit Recovery
Number of Credits
Estimated Completion Time
12-16 weeks
Suggested Prerequisites
English 1Description
Students will take an epic journey to refine reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. Diving into literary and informational texts to discover the tools authors use to achieve their purpose, students will voyage through classic and contemporary works to reach new limits of comprehension.Please note that this is a Credit Recovery course. Credit Recovery courses are not NCAA approved and should not be used by student athletes attempting to recover credits.Module One: Literary Essentials
-Plot, character, conflict, and setting
-Universal theme
-Diction, tone, and mood
-Figurative language
-Phrases, clauses, and parallel structure
Module Two: Writing with Style
-Determining central idea
-Text structures and text features
-Denotation, connotation, and figurative language
-Reference materials
-Rhetorical appeals and rhetorical devices
-Author's purpose
-Evaluating opposing arguments
Module Three: The Art of Arguing
-Logical reasoning
-The elements of an effective argument
-Logical fallacies
-Effective claims
-Planning and writing an argument using credible sources
-The characteristics of satire
NCAA-Approved Courses
Our NCAA approved courses are updated often. Please visit the NCAA Eligibility Center and use our school code to see all current eligible courses. The FlexPoint Virtual School NCAA High School code is: 850171
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