High School Earth Space Science
Pricing Tier
1 - Premium
Number of Credits
Estimated Completion Time
32-36 weeks
Suggested Prerequisites
You will be captivated by the wonders and beauty of the third planet from our Sun, Earth. You will be amazed as you experience space, geologic structures and forces, the waters on our planet, and atmospheric conditions through experimentation and investigation a variety of interactive experiences, higher-order thinking, collaborative projects and real-world applications.Module One: Beginning with Science
-science processes
-observations and inferences
-historical frame of reference- scientists and explorers
-plagiarism, libel, slander
-theory vs. law, science vs. pseudoscience
-cryosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, atmosphere, geosphere
Module Two: Climate and Meteorology
-structure of the atmosphere
-trends in temperature and atmospheric pressure
-factors influencing weather and climate
-humidity, air pressure, air masses, temperature, long term conditions
-global air circulation and winds, Coriolis effect
-severe weather formation, influence on human behavior
-severe storms; Lightning (Honors)
Module Three: Fresh Water
-water cycle
-conservation (Honors)
-water quality
-surface water
Module Four: Rocks and Minerals
-properties of minerals
-rock cycle
-soil and soil formation
-rocks and minerals as resources
Module Five: The Universe
-light waves
-space exploration
-gravitational forces
-stars and constellations (Honors)
NCAA-Approved Courses
Our NCAA approved courses are updated often. Please visit the NCAA Eligibility Center and use our school code to see all current eligible courses. The FlexPoint Virtual School NCAA High School code is: 850171
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