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High School AP US History

Suggested Prerequisites

English 1, English 2


AP United States History focuses on developing students’ abilities to think conceptually about U.S. history from approximately 1491 to the present and apply historical thinking skills as they learn about the past. Seven themes of equal importance —American and national identity; politics and power; work, exchange, and technology; culture and society; migration and settlement; geography and the environment; America in the World— provide areas of historical inquiry for investigation throughout the course. These require students to reason historically about continuity and change over time and make comparisons among various historical developments in different times and places.

Module One: Quest for the Americas


-North, Central, South American native tribal peoples

-Columbus and start of Columbian Exchange

-Spanish and Portuguese colonization

-Influx of African slavery

-Spanish, Dutch, French, and British colonization in North America

-British slave system and indentured servants

-Comparing regions of British colonies

-Growing conflict between settlers and native populations

-“Atlantic World”—mercantilism, Anglicization, early Enlightenment spread


Module Two: Colonies at War


-Native American conflicts with colonists

-Seven Years’ War

-American Revolution

-Articles of Confederation

-The Constitution

-Washington’s presidency


Module Three: A New Republic


-Domestic policy

-International policy and trade

-Migration to United States as well as within

-Manifest Destiny

-Nullification and political issues, sectionalism

-Market Revolution


Module Four: American Civil War


-Effects of manifest destiny

-Abolition movements

-Compromises—1850, Kansas-Nebraska, Dred Scott

-Election of 1860sectionalism, secession

-Civil War

-Reconstruction—political and social effects

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