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High School AP Biology

Suggested Prerequisites

Biology 1, Chemistry 2, Algebra 1


Prepare for a college-level experience and gear up to ace the AP exam in early May. This course will help you develop an understanding of biological concepts through scientific inquiry, investigations, interactive experiences, higher-order thinking, real-world applications, writing analytical essays, statistical analysis, interpreting, and collecting data. You will participate in various engaging activities that enhance your mastery in system interactions, evolution, energetics, information storage, and transmission. This course fulfills one required science credit for high school graduation.

Module One: Chemistry of Life

-Structure of water and properties of water

-Biological macromolecules are essential to life

-Structure and function of each macromolecule

Module Two: Cell Structure and Function

-Cell structure and function

-Surface area-to-volume ratios affect cell size

-Membrane transport and facilitated diffusion

-Tonicity and osmoregulation

-Mechanism of transport

-Cell compartmentalization

Module Three: Cell Energetics

-Properties of enzymes

-Environmental impacts on enzymes

-Role of energy in living organisms

-Photosynthesis and cellular respiration

-Molecular variation and its response to environmental stimuli

Module Four: Cell Communication and Cell Cycle

-Cell communication over short and long distances

-Signal transduction pathways

-Changes to signal transduction

-Feedback mechanisms

-Events of the cell cycle

-Regulation of cell cycle

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